Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
We welcome all students at Bolder
Students with additional needs are welcome at Bolder Academy.
The way we support students with additional needs are outlined in our SEND Policies.
Click here for our Policies page
Priti Malhotra is the Academy’s SENDCo. She has regular contact with parents and carers of students she works with.
David Brockie is the SEND Governor.
During the review and assessment process of SEND, we work in partnership with students, parents and carers to ensure the very best provision.
We also work closely with students who have SEN and disability needs transferring to Bolder Academy.
The Academy also works with a number of other agencies to support and deliver effective provision for students with SEN and disability needs. The Academy’s local offer and Transfer Plan and Accessibility Audit Plan can be found below:
Accessibility Audit and Plan Feb 2022
Click HERE to visit London Borough of Hounslow’s SEND Local Offer page
Particulars of Educational Provision for Students with EHCPs and EAL September 2020