Bolder Library champions Black History Month with books on display at the front of the library showcasing books by black authors. Bolder Library is very proud to offer a wide range of diverse books that reflects the diversity of our school.
The books shown in the picture are only a handful of what we have so please get in touch with Miss Chaudry if your child wants to find out more about the books on offer.
Student Librarians
The Library relies on the student community to help. Our books are now open to Year 7 students, if your child would like to apply to become a student librarian please ask them to see Miss Chaudry in the Library.
Accelerated Reader Quiz
We have launched the Accelerated Reader Quiz lucky dip in the library. This is a great way for students to earn house points. Students who score 80% and above receive 5 house points and students who score below 80% receive 1 house point per quiz.
Please encourage your child to take the Accelerated Reader quiz which can be accessed via our website under the student hub.