Artists of the Month
- Zac L (7T) for working very hard, being polite and always being ready to learn.
- Arjan K (7C) for asking great questions and enthusiasm.
- Eleanor H (9C) for being focused and resilient in lessons.
- Tara B (10C) for excellent participation in lessons and her dedication to working hard outside of lessons.
- Qayla K (10M) for excellent presentation in her Graphics sketchbook showing a good understanding of brand identity.
- Amelia J (11M) for working creatively in her Graphics lessons to make links to other designers and illustrators.
- Xois A (11O) for a well presented Art book which shows dedication in understanding the work of artists and developing skills.
Year 8 have been learning about tonal shading and have now moved on to learning how to draw the correct proportions of the face and facial features.
Year 9 have been learning about artist Grayson Perry and how he explores British values. Students have analysed his tapestries and how Perry explores social class. we have discussed the vanity we might see in objects that belong to us or the objects we aspire to own. His exhibition called “Vanities in Small Differences” is currently being exhibited at Pitzhanger Manor Ealing.