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Acceptable Use Policy And Agreement - Student and Parent/Carer

Accessibility Audit and Plan Feb 2022

Admissions Policy 2023-2024

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Allegations in Relation to Staff Policy Dec 2023

Antibullying Policy Dec 2022

Attendance Policy Sept 2023

Attendance of Students with Additional Health Needs Nov 2022

Behaviour Policy Sept 2023

BTec Registration and Certification Policy 2023-24

BTec Internal Verification Policy 2023-24

BTec Distance Learning Policy 2023-24

BTec Blended Learning Policy 2023-24

BTec Assessment Policy 2023-24

Careers Education and Access Policy Jan 2024

Car Park Management Plan April 2024

CCTV Policy Nov 2023

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy March 2024

Children Missing in Education Policy Jan 2024

Charging and Remission Policy 2024

Collective Worship Policy Jan 2024

Complaints Procedure Sept 2023

Cyber Security Policy 2024

Data Breach Policy May 2024

Data Protection Policy May 2024

Data Retention Policy May 2024

Early Career Teacher Policy Dec 2023

Education of Children Looked After and Previously Looked After Children Policy Jan 2024

E Safety Guidance for Parents and Students

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Dec 23

Exams Policy Feb 2024

Exams - Malpractice in Exams NEA's and Btecs Nov 2023

Exclusion and Suspension Policy Sept 2023

Fire Safety Policy Nov 2023

Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme May 2024

Governors Code of Conduct 2022

Governors Allowances 2024

Gifts and Hospitality Policy Nov 2023

Guide for Parents on School Behaviour and Exclusion 

Health and Safety Policy inc First Aid Sept 2023

Information Security Policy May 2024

LGBTQ Policy 2021

Major Critical Incident Policy 2022

Offsite Educational Visit Policy Jan 2023.docx

Parent and Carer Code of Conduct Nov 2022

Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education Policy 2021

Premises Hire Policy 2024

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy Dec 2022

PREVENT Risk Assessment Nov 2023

Private Fostering Policy 2022

Privacy Notice For Governors Nov 2022

Privacy Notice for Staff Nov 2022

Privacy Notice for Bolder Academy Pupils and Parents Nov 2022

Privacy Notice for Visitors and Contractors Nov 2022

Protection of Biometric Data of Children Policy Sept 2023

Refunds Policy 2018

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Practice Oct 2023

Relationship and Sex Education and Health Education Policy May 2024

Risk Management Policy Jan 2024

School Uniform Policy Sept 2022

Self Harm Policy Jan 2024

SEND Information Report Jan 2024

SEND Local Offer Jan 2024

SEND Policy Feb 2024

Smoke Free Policy 2018

Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Policy 2020

Subject Access Request Policy Nov 23

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Dec 2023

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Policy 2020

Transport Plan Feb 2023

Visiting Speaker Policy Jan 2024

Website Terms and Conditions of Use 2020

Whistleblowing Policy Dec 2023