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Being Bold Enrichment

During our extended school day, students can choose from a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We offer students the opportunity to:

  • Study a diverse range of languages, such as Arabic and Korean.
  • Participate in STEM based activities such as coding and robotics clubs, with students building and programming machines with the equipment funded by the Institute of Physics, and Tomorrow’s Engineers.
  • Join the school choir, or further their interest in music through instrument lessons and music technology club.
  • Compete in sporting activities and challenges in sports such as rugby, netball, football, basketball and table tennis, teakwando, trampoline, fencing and climbing  with external professional coaches coming in to take many of the sessions.
  • Broaden their cultural understanding, through young politics club, critics club and debating.

Additionally, students have the opportunity to engage with the local community during these Being Bold sessions, such as volunteering at a local primary school and working with young children at our local nursery.

We also offer a variety of programmes that are designed around the character development of our students. We are working with Transport for London through our youth travel ambassadors programme, Sports Inspired are working with a group of our year 7s to develop them as sports leaders, we are training up many students as global youth ambassadors and we run the program “Be her lead” to instil resilience and confidence in our female students.

Finally, alongside this Being Bold enrichment programme, there are further clubs and activities available for students to participate in throughout the week. 

Please see our Personal Development for KS3 Student document link below.

Our Values Days

Students participate in up to ten Values Days per year, where they experience a variety of different activities and events linked to our core values.

This academic year, students have engaged in a variety of activities led by Sky. These have included a design challenge, spoken word workshop, a series of first aid sessions, and ‘The Edit’ – a workshop around climate change.

Students have been challenged to think creatively through projects led by Accenture and Shell. Accenture have supported our Value Days by delivering ‘Kidovation’, a project that tasked students to solve real world problems by following the principles of design thinking. Whilst students used their problem solving and STEM skills to devise innovative solutions that could power cities of the future in the ‘Shell Bright Ideas Challenge’.

Students have engaged in a series of workshops led by St Mary’s University. These has exposed students to what life and study at University is like, as well as challenging them to design their own courses and societies. Similarly, whilst unable to visit local religious sites, students have received talks from local vicars and religious leaders to broaden their cultural and religious knowledge.

Across our value days students have had a series of virtual talks from Members of Parliament; local poet and artists; climate change activists; reporters and television presenters; and industry experts.

Residential Trips

Each year students have the opportunity to go on a Summer residential visit.

In 2023, our students went to:

  • Manor Adventure in Norfolk 
  • PGL in Fort Castle, Northumberland and
  • Outward Bound

Dates for summer residential trips are as follows:

Yr7 – Norfolk Lakes – Manor Adventure Multi Activity Centre 10th to 12th July 2024

Yr8 – STEM – Oundle School, Peterborough 3rd to 5th July 2024

Personal Development and SMSC

Our whole-school Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development strategy equips our students with the skills to be responsible, respectful and active citizens. This is evident in our PSHCE programme, our Culture and Society Curriculum, our Thought for the Week themes, and our assemblies, personal development sessions, as well as our Being Bold enrichment sessions and our Values Days.