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Personal, Social and Health Education

Personal, Social and Health Education/ Relationship and Sex Education (PSHE/RSE) at Bolder

At Bolder Academy, our PSHE/RSE curriculum is designed to develop our students into kind, strong, brave young adults where a Bolder future awaits. It is in line with and covering all of the new governmental guidelines for PSHE/RSE.

The aims of the PSHE/RSE Curriculum

The aims of the PSHE/RSE curriculum are to:

  1. Allow students to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.
  2. Inform students of the rules and principles for keeping safe online.
  3. Provide students with the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships.
  4. Inform students of the dangers of knife crime, substance abuse and the importance of forming healthy relationships.

How we deliver PSHE/RSE

PSHE/RSE at Key Stage 3 and 5 is delivered primarily during morning Personal Development sessions and assemblies. Students also engage during our Values Lessons which are delivered by external agencies.

PSHE/ RSE at Key Stage 4 is delivered by external agencies through a series of Value Lessons which are delivered throughout the school year.

Students are taught:

  • How to talk about their emotions accurately and sensitively, using appropriate vocabulary.
  • How to identify harmful behaviours online and how to keep themselves safe.
  • The different types of bullying (including cyber bullying), the impact of bullying, responsibilities of bystanders to report bullying and how and where to get help.
  • The characteristics of positive and healthy friendships.
  • How stereotypes, in particular stereotypes based on sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability, can cause damage.
  • Acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in relationships.
  • Basic first aid skills for common injuries.
  • Personal hygiene and healthy eating.

PSHE/RSE is also covered as an element of the Culture and Society curriculum, where students have one hour of learning per week. Themes are also covered in other curriculum areas, such as E-safety in Computer Science lessons, and physical well-being in PE. During form time, students also study ‘Character Education’ the aim to instil a number of key characteristics and values such as resilience, honesty, motivation and humility, all of which will help them in their adult lives.

Our intended Impact in PSHE/RSE

We will know if we have been successful when our students live and breathe our three core values within the Academy and beyond. When they demonstrate:

  • Kindness: By developing healthy relationships with their peers during their time at the Academy, online, and within the wider community, respecting individual’s political beliefs.
  • Strength: By demonstrating a growth mindset and positive attitude to their learning, their wider school life, and the wider community around them.
  • Bravery: Raising concerns to an appropriate adult when unacceptable behaviour occurs in person or online.