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At Bolder Academy our Maths curriculum is designed to develop our students into kind, strong, brave young adults where a Bolder future awaits. 

The aims of the Maths Curriculum 

The aims of the Maths curriculum are to: 

  1. Equip students with the necessary numerical skills to become confident, competent users of mathematics be it in their day-to-day lives, further educational or working lives. 

  1. Enable students to link simple and complex mathematical concepts together through practice, improved metacognition and independent learning. 

  1. Foster and develop a culture and love for mathematics: a desire to try new ideas out, even at the risk of being incorrect but having the courage to try. 

How we deliver Maths  

Bolder Academy follows the national curriculum and the Mathematic Mastery Programme at Key Stage three to ensure there is both depth and breadth. 

Students are taught: 

  • Mathematical fluency – applying mathematical knowledge and skills rapidly and accurately to more complex problems over time. 

  • How to reason mathematically – by following a line of enquiry, developing an argument and justifying conclusions using mathematical language. 

  • How to solve problems – by applying their mathematical knowledge to a variety of routine and non-routine problems. 

The design of the curriculum enables students to build upon prior knowledge from KS2 and tackle more complex ideas, concepts and skills.  

Throughout KS3 students learn, practice and master key skills whilst continually developing their mathematical knowledge. 

Furthermore, students are encouraged throughout their lessons to develop their mathematical language by extending their verbal responses using MAC (Method, Answer, Conclusion). 

Wherever possible, students are given the opportunity to use Mathematics to solve problems that they may encounter as adults in the future, such as financial calculations including: budgeting, financial planning, working with interest rates, choosing a mobile network and applying for a mortgage - to name a few. 

Our Intended Impact in Maths 

We will know if we have been successful when our students live and breathe our three core values within the Academy and beyond. When they demonstrate: 

  • Kindness: By working collaboratively in order to help others understand and enjoy mathematics as well as improving their own understanding through student led learning.  

  • Strength: By understanding the importance of using and applying subject specific knowledge already learnt to a variety of routine and non-routine problems. 

  • Bravery: To view mistakes as a learning opportunity and demonstrate perseverance in seeking solutions. 

Equally we want to prepare students effectively for the current and next stage in their learning, whether this be GCSE or A Level examination, University study or the world of work.